Monthly horoscope overview created for business owners.
Hey beauts,
August is...August is a month alright. It's all about:
getting serious about your long term goals and what it takes to get there
stepping into your worth
August marks a month of mercury retrograde. Yes, it’s that time to review all that we’ve worked on since April. Mercury retrograde has a bad reputation, but it helps us SLOW DOWN and look at what’s important. Yes, technology is not as reliable, but maybe if something got digitally lost, it’s a way of the universe telling you that you don’t need it or it needs to be started again from the top.
We also get some not so lovely Saturn activations. Mostly square and oppositions, which bring tension and push/pull energy. However, don’t fret! Whatever challenges may come your way will help you to get more aligned. Saturn is all about taking responsibility, long term goals and creating systems + structure.
When it’s activated with tension, it showcases where we could get more organized + serious in terms of owning our needs. If we’ve been doing the inner work, it’s a test run to see how your boundaries work. If you haven’t been doing the inner work, you sure will be after this month 🙂
We end the month moving into virgo season, which brings us organization and efficiently (thank goodness). We will have more clarity after a bit of destabilizing and should know how to move forward and get grounded again.
Main Transit Overview
August 4th - new moon in leo
August 4th - mercury stations retrograde
August 4th - venus enters virgo
August 14th - mercury back into leo
August 14th - mars conjunct jupiter
August 15th - mars square saturn
August 19th - venus opposite saturn
August 19th - jupiter square saturn
August 19th - full moon in aquarius
August 22nd - sun enters virgo
August 29th - venus enters libra
This month I am organizing the transits a bit differently.
There are a lot of transits that happen every month and writing about them all would make for a long blog post. So! In the main transits section, I talk about planets moving into new signs, outer planet aspects, and any significant inner planet aspects that I think business owners should know about - nothing changes there.
To give you a little more, I am now adding "yummy days", or days with supportive transits, "spicy days", or days that might bring a bit of tension, and "dynamic days", or days that include both. My intent is to give you a bit more to work with when planning out your month. You can find these at the bottom of the post.
This still does not include every transit, so if you want that, be sure to follow me on Instagram and/or TikTok where, every Monday, I post ALL the transits taking place that week.
The usual notes:
Business Owners: This astrology forecast is geared towards small business owners. It speaks to the energy of the collective. It may impact your personal chart differently, however, a majority of folks will be experiencing this energy so it helps to know since we are doing business with the collective. To book a personal forecast/horoscope reading, click here.
This is a forecast: meaning it explains the conditions. It does not definitely mean that these things are going to happen. It means there is a higher chance of some of these things happening. There is more access to this energy, but it doesn’t mean everyone will access it.
Video: If you want this information via video format, check out the YouTube video below. Be sure to subscribe while you're there :)
The Video
Alright, let's dive into it.
New Moon in Leo
August 4th
We start the month out with a new moon in Leo, which brings a new beginning towards our self expression, playfulness, leadership qualities and creativity.
Leo is ruled by the sun, which gives this new moon life force, vitality, and confidence. We just might have the energy and strength to assert ourselves in new ways. We are more passionate and enthusiastic with the Leo energy.
It happens close to mars sextile the north node, which enhances our passion and drive.
It also happens close to a venus square uranus transit, which can bring disruption into our relationships, finances and value systems (who/what we value). This disruption might bring tension, but it could be exactly what you need to start something new.
Business Owners → Leo is always a great time to focus on promoting your business. With it being a new moon, it’s a great time to start a new marketing campaign.
It’s also a great time to foster creativity, maybe through a brainstorm session, taking a class or starting a new creative project.
Lastly, a new moon in leo can be a great time to reflect on our leadership skills. This transit boosts your ability to inspire and lead effectively.
Mercury stations Retrograde
August 4th - August 28th
Starts the retrograde in the sign of Virgo, ends in Leo. It will be retrograding Virgo until August 14th.
Mercury retrograde is always a period of slowing down and reflecting upon out communication, thinking patterns and learning processes. Yes it also impacts short travel.
Virgo’s influence has us targeting this reflecting towards our organization, day to day actions, and detail oriented work. We may find ourselves getting more analytic this retrograde than usual.
Mercury rules virgo, so it also may feel a little less retrogrady than usual. There’s some helpful collaboration there.
Virgo also gives an emphasis on health + wellness, so it’s a good time to reflect on how you can incorporate more a balance, should you need to.
Be mindful of miscommunications, car troubles, and technical issues, as mercury retrograde generally brings. Any issues that do come up, Virgo’s analytical qualities can help get to the root of the problem. It IS an earth sign, after all.
Business Owners → This is a great period for reviewing your operations. Implementing brand new softwares? Maybe not, but review and making a game plan for enhancing. Review your:
marketing operations - is there an email automation you haven’t looked at in awhile?
sales cycle - what is the journey your prospects go through?
workflows - do you keep missing steps or pushing things out? Get intentional about your workflows.
Venus enters Virgo
August 4th - August 29th
On the same day, we get even more Virgo energy with Venus moving into the sign of Virgo. Our relationships, finances and value systems get analytical, detail-oriented, and service focused. We could feel our values shift towards health + wellness as well.
All earth signs give the energy of practicality. Virgo does this + adds a sense of efficiency. Virgo loves to look at the little details to figure out how to make things run better.
For business owners → People will love the details around this time. Go in depth about how your business works and why you offer quality services or products.
Venus also loves quality, so this is an opportune time to review the quality of your services or products. Can it be manufactured more efficiently? Can your process be streamlined so it’s easier for your clients?
Focus on enhancing product design and/or service delivery. How does you product/service benefit one’s wellness?
Lastly, it’s a great time to review budgeting or finances. You may have more patience to look into the little details and find something very helpful.
Mercury moves back into Leo
August 14th - September 8th
Mercury dips back into Leo during its retrograde. It ends its retrograde on August 28th, but it stays in Leo until September 8th.
Mercury retrograding in Leo gives us a moment to reflect on our creativity, leadership, self expression, and confidence. Leo is also connected to the heart. It brings love and passion.
It also forms a conjunction with the sun on the 18th, which further emphasized these leo characteristics.
There could be dramatic conversations, expressions, and thoughts. Depending on how it hits your chart, it could bring grand ideas or it could bring doomsies mindsets (everything is terrible and it won’t get better). Either way, notice without judgement.
It’s a lovely time to revisit any old creative projects, whether you are picking it back up or refining it. It’s also an ideal time to reflect on how you are expressing yourself. Could you show your individuality more? Where are you holding back and why?
For business owners → There could also be some miscommunications that lead us to review our leadership and communication strategies. If you have a team, look at what you can do to support them better. If you work on your own, how are you showing that you are a leader in your field? In what ways can you lead your community?
Also just prepare for technological and travel issues. Back ups on back ups. Give extra time for car travel, have staff on back up.
Mars conjunct Jupiter
August 14th
Mars symbolizes our motivation, desires and the way we assert ourselves. Jupiter represents expansion, optimism, and generosity. When these two come together, we can expect a burst of motivation, especially towards growth.
These two meet up in the sign of Gemini, which gives the flavor of curiosity, the mind, and social interactions. It’s a fast-paced sign. So with the burst of energy coming from Gemini, things could happen rather quickly.
Jupiter tends to bring opportunities and mars is ready to take action.
For business owners → This is a great transit for networking, events, and collaborations. Gemini loves social activity, mars will bring the energy, and jupiter will bring the optimism. There could be expansive conversations. Plus with this happening in Leo season, there’s a taste of leadership + playfulness.
It’s also a great time to launch a new business idea or project. We have the ambition and expansive mindset to get things rolling with success.
Be mindful of what you are committing to during this transit. This energy surge may dwindle, later proving that you’ve taken on more than you can handle. Impulsivity and overindulgence can also come up with this transit.
Mars square Saturn
August 15th
How we assert ourselves, our drive + ambition is in tension with discipline, limitations, and responsibility. It’s likely to bring conflicts, frustration and obstacles.
This not so much of a lovely transit, but it could bring upon the tension needed to make change. It can also show us that we can have the patience to get through challenges. So when things get tough, ground yourself in knowing these are tests that can tell you a lot about where you are right now.
Anything achieved during this time might be frustrating to get, but may also be very satisfying because of the hard work it took to get there.
Interactions with authority figures may be heated. People may be more critical than usual.
For business owners → BE PATIENT! If you have a team, don’t be the one to stir up the issues. Assume everyone is a bit (or very) prickly today and see what you can do as a leader to soften things a bit. Prepare for disruptions (especially since it’s also mercury retrograde) and use them as an opportunity to grow.
It’s easy to get to a state of overwhelm, so to counter that, minimize or break down your tasks into achievable pieces. Focus on what you CAN do during this time.
Jupiter square Saturn
August 19th
Outer planet aspect alert!
Jupiter is about expansion and Saturn is about restriction, but lemme tell ya, they are both about growth. However, together, it shows that growth happening at this time will be slooowww - which is fine and needed. My friend and collaborated Rachael channeled a message from nature that reminded us humans to enjoy the slowness. It’s necessary to let all the energies marinade. Like a lovely chili :) (i added that last part there).
This transit could bring opportunities, however, they could come with significant constraints or limitations. Really think through any opportunities that come your way. It make take adjustments or compromise to make it work.
It also called for discipline to be worked into your expansion. With trines and other planets, the expansion might flow to you effortlessly. With this transit, you need to put in the work.
We tend to feel jupiter aspects for 2-3 weeks, with about a week and a half on either side of it being exact. So this transit flavors the entire month.
For business owners → Utilize this time for strategic planning and realistic goal setting. If you have some goals in place, revisit them with what you know know. Do they still make sense?
Especially with mercury retrograde, review review review.
Maybe you need to make some big changes that will take some work, but once you do, you know things will flow better. Now is that time.
Venus opposite Saturn
August 19th
Our finances, relationships and self worth are at a tug-of-war with limitations, restriction, discipline and our sense of responsibility.
Venus brings a desire for harmony and saturn brings a serious pull for taking responsibility. This could bring a fork in the road of keeping the peace or own up to your needs, even if it ruffles some feathers.
This can also bring some tension into relationships, especially those that are not aligned with our long-term goals.
It can be a heavier transit, bringing up feelings of isolation, depression and loneliness. Your work or responsibilities could be taking over the space you have to spend with your loved ones. It can be a call for balance, in this sense.
For business owners → I bring this transit up for business owners because it has potential to bring up financial strains, which might tie into our self worth mindsets. If you do experience limitations with money during this time, please know, like all things in astrology, it’s part of cycle that has an end.
Review your relationship with income and its correlation to your self worth. The financial strains that could come may have you doubting yourself.
It’s a good time to reflect: do you feel connected to your work outside of it bringing you a source of income? Obviously that is important, but so is connected it to your motivations, passions, and callings.
Full Moon in Aquarius
August 19th
Aquarius is about innovation, individuality, and community. Full moons bring a moment of celebration, as well as release.
This full moon is about celebrating + releasing things related to our humanity, community and innovation.
Aquarius also brings a sense of detachment, which is actually very necessary for living in this world because it brings a sense of objectivity, and from this space, we can understand new perspectives that our personal emotions may normally block out.
This full moon could illuminate innovative solutions to stagnant ideas, especially those around community and taking care of one another in group settings.
There’s a letting go of outdated beliefs - especially (and hopefully) for the collective. I do think there will be some clarity that comes through with this moon, especially after some more challenging aspects. This could bring it all together.
For business owners → what a lovely time to collaborate. Get together with other business owners and learn from each other.
It’s also a great time to get involved with your community. Maybe it’s a poll on social media, getting out to a pop up event, maybe going live, etc.
Sun enters Virgo
August 22nd - September 22nd
Happy birthday virgo suns!
As a pisces, I LOVE virgo season. It brings a sense of getting back to the daily routine. Summer was fun, but now it’s time to focus on routine a bit more.
Virgo is all about organization, efficiency, daily routines, details, health and wellness. Virgo is an earth sign, so there’s energy to get grounded. It’s a mutable sign, which means it’s also adaptable and ready to make necessary changes.
Virgo also has a focus on service. How are you serving others and your customers? Can that process be streamlined? How can you offer more to your clients/customers without burning yourself out?
There is a tendency for perfection, so just be aware of when you are getting too deep into the details.
For business owners → Get analytical about how you’re showing up in your business. What are your day to day actions? Does your day just slip away or in there intention there? (want help with this? Check out my workflow assessment package).
Venus enters Libra
August 29th - September 22nd
Venus rules Libra so she is at home in this sign. Yes all things beauty, balance, harmony, and high quality. Great time for beauty + art businesses to thrive, especially as more inner planets make their way into Libra.
This brings a focus towards our relationships and social connections. If you have a rocky relationship, it could smooth things out a bit through mutual understanding.
It’s a lovely time to get social (hello, peak wedding season!). Connections may be simply lovely.
For business owners → This is a great time to enhance your professional relationships. Whether it’s with clients or collaborators, make sure they know you appreciate them.
It’s also a great time to focus on branding or a rebrand as there’s an emphasis on aesthetic. Is there something in your social media strategy that could use a switch up? Also a fantastic time for a photoshoot.
Yummy Days
Days that bring supportive transits. They may not alway bring what’s best for your growth, but they could bring welcomed ease.
August 1st
sun trine north node
Opportunities for personal growth + alignment
August 3rd
mars sextile north node
Taking action through your connections and towards your bigger goals
August 7th
sun sextile jupiter
A sense of optimism and confidence makes it a great time for expanding your horizons and taking on new opportunities.
mercury conjunct venus
Great time for creative writing/content creation and social interactions.
August 23rd
mercury sextile mars
Quick thinking, boost in mental energy, focus and motivation.
August 27th
venus trine uranus
unexpected pleasures and exciting changes in relationships. Potential for unexpected financial opportunity.
August 28th
venus trine pluto
Intensity and passion in creative projects + relationships.
Spicy days
Days that could bring a little tension. They might be more challenging but it brings about a need for change or balance.
August 2nd
venus square uranus
Unexpected changes in our relationships, self worth and finances.
August 15th
mars square saturn
Conflict between ambition and limitions can lead to feelings of restriction, burnout and exhaustion.
August 19th
venus opposite saturn
May bring issues + restrictions in relationships, finances and self worth.
sun square uranus
Sudden changes, restlessness, and disruption when it comes to identity or self expression.
jupiter square saturn
Tension between growth and stability
August 22nd
venus square mars
Aggression in relationships or actions based from financial gains. Obstacles in relationships, creative projects, or finances.
August 28th
venus opposite neptune
Relationships to others and self + finances may be clouded by unrealistic expectations or deceptive influences.
Dynamic Days
Days that have both supportive and spicy transits.
August 14th
mars conjunct jupiter
May bring opportunities that we have the energy and motivation to move forward with.
August 18th
sun conjunct mercury (yum)
mental clarity and a boost in communication skills.
mercury square uranus (tension)
disruption in communications, thinking patterns + short travel
Together, unexpected changes may occur but we may have the agility to adjust quickly.
Work with Me
Organize. Align. Expand
Dive into how these transits impact you personally with a forecast reading. Pair that with aligned accountability and operations support for your small business and you'll be flowing in no time.
All astrology services are 15% off when purchased with a small business support service.
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