Monthly horoscope for business owners and creators.
December offers a mix of slowing down, reflection, and moving forward.
Mercury (our mind an communication) is retrograde for half of the month and mars (our bodies, action and physical energy) is retrograde until the end of February, both asking us to slow down.
Chiron + Neptune station direct, which gives forward momentum towards inspiration, spirituality and healing.
The Capricorn energy has us thinking about new intentions and ambitions, but the retrogrades pull us back from starting on them just yet.
This month asks us to find clarity in the pauses, embrace the process of adjustments, and start planting seeds for the future.
It’s a great month to:
🌲 Review your approaches to getting what you want.
🌲 Get realistic with your plans for the future.
🌲 Setting the foundations for 2025.
🌲 Have healing conversations with yourself and others.
🌲 Slow down and relax into the pace of winter.
Main Transit Overview
12/6- venus enters aquarius
12/6- mars stations retrograde
12/7- neptune stations direct
12/15- full moon in gemini
12/21- sun enters capricorn
12/24- jupiter square saturn (2/3)
12/29- chiron stations direct
12/30- new moon capricorn
Week Ahead Forecasts
The month ahead forecast highlights the important transits but does not talk about them all. If you want EVERY TRANSIT catch them on my week ahead forecasts on one (or all) of these channels:
Text graphics posted every sunday
90 second run through posted every monday
If you want more details on the week ahead. 10ish minutes each.
You can find the podcast on Spotify, too.
The usual notes:
Business Owners: This astrology forecast is geared towards small business owners and creators. It speaks to the energy of the collective. It may impact your personal chart differently, however, a majority of folks will be experiencing this energy so it helps to know since we are doing business with the collective. To book a personal forecast/horoscope reading, click here.
This is a forecast: meaning it explains the conditions. It does not mean that these things are definitely going to happen. It means there is a higher chance of some of these things happening. There is more access to this energy, but it doesn’t mean everyone will access it.
The Video Version
The Podcast Version
Alright, let's dive into it.
Venus enters Aquarius
December 6th - January 2nd
Our relationships, finances, creativity and value systems get a dose of innovation, independence, detachment, and individuality.
You might experience wanting to spend more time with friends and groups rather than your boo or family. There’s a drive to build connections based on shared values.
There’s also an uptick in wanting to express your true self, showing off your quirks and uniqueness. Each of us may be wanting to do this, so be sure to be open and welcoming to others that do this if you would want that response in return.
I would love to see fashion focus on add technology into the looks. Like hello, Zenon girl of the 21st century fits. This is random but it could happen with this energy.
For business owners + creators → if you get too emotional overwhelmed when planning your finances, this is a good energy to approach it with more objectivity.
It’s also a fun time to try unconventional things when it comes to the things you’re creating. How can you bring your weirdness into what you do? There’s more willingness to try and find out during these weeks.
Mars stations retrograde
December 7th - February 24th
We get a mars retrograde once every two years, with the last one taking place end of 2022 in the sign of Gemini. And boy was that a freaking whirlwind.
This time, it starts in Leo and moves back in the sign of Cancer on January 6th.
Mars retrograde is a time of reflecting upon our actions, motivations, and the way we approach what getting what we want. It may do so by bringing up conflicts from the past, which is frustrating but gives an opportunity to potentially resolve them.
Mars rules our physical energy, so this may be a time when that slows down. Kinda perfect timing for the holidays and winter season. Time to lay low, snuggle up and recharge for spring.
While it’s in Leo, we’re being asked to reassess our creative approach and the way we express ourselves.
When it’s in Cancer, we’re being asked to reflect on what we need to do to ensure ourselves emotional stability as much as possible.
I’ll be making an entire youtube video on this and will link it HERE when it’s up.
For business owners + creators → while it’s in Leo, look at how you can reconnect to your WHY when it comes to your creations and how can you bring more PLAY into your creative process?
While it’s in Cancer, this is about getting hella tight with your self care practices, both physical and emotionally. Set boundaries, find sustainable coping skills, honor your need for more you time, find someone you feel safe to get vulnerable with - whatever it is YOU need to feel your emotions without having them take over.
Neptune stations direct
December 7th - July 5th, 2025
When Neptune moves direct after its retrograde phase, we transition from a period of inner reflection to outward expression of our spiritual insights and creative visions.
We get some clarity around spirituality, creativity and intuition. It brings in a channel of inspiration, especially that which comes from spirit, God, the divine, or whichever greater energy you might connect with.
With it being in Pisces, the sign it rules, this connection to a universal truth and message get enhanced. This was the 2nd to last Neptune retrograde we will experience in Pisces as it starts to move into Aries next year. We get one more dip back into Pisces, so this next year is a great time to get really attune with your spiritual practices + beliefs and bring them into a brand new beginning for all things Neptunian.
For business owners + creators → bring your spirituality into your creative workflows. How do you get your creative inspiration? Can you create an intentional, spiritual place you go to to connect? Maybe it’s an altar, or maybe it’s a space you project to during a meditation.
Create a practice that taps you into that energy before you create to help align and channel what you’re making.
Full moon in Gemini
December 15th
This full moon is a time to reflect on how we communicate, adapt, share ideas and learn from each other.
The moon is about our emotions, Gemini is about the mind and the intellect. Together, they ask us to balance emotional understanding with logic.
It’s a great time to let go of communication patterns that’s don’t resonate with you anymore. If you find yourself drained or triggered after some interactions, get curious about that and use it as a tool to figure something else out.
Within this full moon chart, we get an almost exact mercury trine to mars transit, which is a super supportive conversation between our mind, communication and learning processes and our motivation, action, and desires.
Our brain gets super charge and we can make decisions with confidence, so we get some support in figuring out what we could let go of this full moon.
For business owners + creators → this would be a good time to reflect on your marketing strategies and the way you show up through your content and communications. Are you showing up authentically or does it feel forced? What are some outdated strategies that you’re ready to let go of? The Gemini energy can help us let go and adapt in new ways.
Sun enters Capricorn
December 21st - January 19th
There’s a reason why we’re all about making new goals at the new year and hello, it’s capricorn season.
Capricorn is all about ambition, status, goals, achievements, and discipline. It’s a earth sign, so it’s grounded and brings stability + practicality. Ruled by Saturn, it’s here to get sh*t done with no BS.
While I prefer to start DOING new things in the spring, I start THINKING about what those new things might be during the new year. Grounding myself in my intentions before jumping into action.
Capricorn IS an cardinal sign, so you may be ready to start things. If you want to, go for it. But don’t feel forced to set new year’s resolutions if you ain’t into it right now.
For business owners + creators → this can be a productive time for solving problems or getting organized. Be mindful of working too hard! Family time/holidays might need some recovery of it’s own. Do what you can to rest from that before diving into work.
So with that, focus on balancing ambition with self care. That mars retrograde will remind you of that when it hits Cancer on January 6th.
Jupiter square Saturn
December 24th
This is the 2nd or three times we are experiencing this transit, with first time being on August 19th, 2024 and the last one being June 15th, 2025. We won’t experience it again for another ten years.
This is a transit that is all about bringing a reality check into our dreams and our big plans for the future. The square suggests that this reality check make come from a point of frustration, but that frustration forces us to make important change.
Jupiter is in retrograde this time around, so it’s about turning inward to figure out what unrealistic expectations are we setting on OURSELVES.
Now, this is the last time this is happening with Jupiter in Gemini and Saturn in Pisces. Next time they connect, Jupiter will be in Cancer and Saturn in Aries. So this connection is focusing on the tension between expansive ideas and dreams and grounding them into reality.
The retrograde factor will bring in a big part around self reflection. Both of these planets are in mutable signs, showing that we have more adaptability to bring into the situation.
For business owners + creators → this transit ask us to prioritize e commitments and let go of distractions that don’t serve our long term goals. Bringing in our intuition will help decipher what those distinctions truly are.
Be okay with mental fogginess, as it’s common with this energy.
Chiron stations direct
December 29th
Chiron is retrograde for 5 months of every year. When it’s in retrograde, we are looking inwards to understand our healing processes. When it’s direct, we get forward and outward motion towards reclaiming control over past insecurities.
With it being in Aries, it gives us the courage to take initiative to do so. Chiron in Aries focuses on healing our relationship to ourselves and our autonomy. Old fear or self doubts may lost their power, allowing for greater self acceptance.
For business owners + creators → use this forward motion to help you let go of those old ways that a lot of the astrology of this month (and year) is asking you to let go of. This is supportive energy that helps you push past the wounded feelings that might be holding you back. It gives you the confidence to move forward.
New moon Capricorn
December 30th
New beginnings in things regarding your long term goals, responsibilities, and stability. Capricorn is the cardinal earth sign, meaning it’s ready to take initiative in in practical ways.
Within this new moon chart we also get mercury trine to chiron. This is the 3rd and final connection after the mercury retrograde. We had this connection in last month’s sagittarius new moon as well. It’s all about healing through communication. Maybe conversations, writing, journaling, a text message - whatever it may be, it’s the final step to hopefully help you heal from the wounds.
With this happening with not one but two new moons, it shows that this healing could open us up to new beginnings. Things we were too insecure to embark on before.
For business owners + creators → This New Moon in Capricorn invites you to focus on ambition and structure, making it an ideal time to set practical goals and work toward your dreams with determination. Again, maybe not starting on those goals, but getting in touch with what you truly want.
Supportive Days
Days that bring lovely transits. They may not alway bring what’s best for your growth, but they could bring welcomed ease.
December 1st
mercury retrograde trine chiron
Compassionate thinking and healing communications. Especially conversations with yourself. Great day for journaling and understanding your self talk.
December 2nd
venus trine uranus
Exciting surprises in relationships or finances. Embrace the spontaneity.
December 4th
venus sextile neptune
Romantic, dreamy, and creative vibes all around.
December 5th
sun conjunct mercury
Hella mental juice! Great day for being productive or having important conversations.
December 10th
sun trine chiron
Gives you the confidence you need to get vulnerable and heal things related to your identity and the self.
December 19th
venus trine jupiter
Joy! Gratitude! Harmony! A day of ease, love and optimism.
December 23rd
venus sextile chiron
Bring supportive, healing energy towards our relationship and self worth wounds.
December 30th
mercury trine chiron
(again) Healing communications, this time maybe more geared towards others.
Spicy days
Days that could bring a little tension. They might be more challenging but it brings about a need for change or balance.
December 6th
mercury retrograde square saturn
Restrictive thinking that could lead to feelings of not being “enough”. Self critic may be loud.
December 18th
sun square neptune
Chance of confusion is high, blurring the direction towards your sense of purpose.
December 27th
venus square uranus
Not so welcomed surprises in relationships + finances may bring frustrations and doubts regarding our self worth.
Dynamic Days
Days that bring both support and tension.
December 4th
mercury retrograde opposite jupiter
Optimistic thinking, but very easy to miss the little details, especially with the retrograde.
sun square saturn
Hardships that demand persistence and hard work to get through. Could be channeled into a tackling a tough task.
December 7th
sun opposite jupiter
Optimism is high, but easy to overextend ourselves.
venus conjunct pluto
Can bring intensity into relationships and self worth. But can also bring profound growth and transformation.
December 12th
mercury retrograde sextile venus
Lovely conversations that could bring needed compromise.
venus opposite mars
Push/pull energy between keeping the peace and asserting our needs. Could spark passion, could also spark conflict.
Work with Me
Organize. Align. Expand
Dive into how these transits impact you personally with a forecast reading. Pair that with aligned accountability and operations support for your small business and you'll be flowing in no time. Year ahead readings are currently 20% off through November 30th, 2024!
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