Monthly horoscope for business owners, entrepreneurs and creators but is applicable for all. Use astrology in your business to tap into energies above to create more flow and alignment.
January is an interesting start to the new year as we start with Mars retrograding, which probably has a lot of us feeling groggy and tired. Congrats if you are actually getting things done. Ya girl fell the heck BEHIND!
But that's okay! It's an energy to lean into because there is something to learn when you pause and reflect, even if it's in an icky way.
January kicks off Aquarius season, which means we get some pluto activations. Hello intensity. But also hello to new ways of identifying and thinking.
In addition, we get some cancer energy with Mars moving back into Cancer and a Full Moon in Cancer as well. This asks us to spend time reflecting on our emotional needs, releasing habits that drain us and replacing them with things that make us feel more emotionally in tune.
Lastly, the nodes shift into Pisces and Virgo, offering a new 18th month cycle in terms of catalyst changes. We welcome in more collectivism and let go of elements of perfectionism.
It’s a great month to:
✨ Focus on collaborations
✨ Work on creative projects
✨ Take on less/minimize your calendar
✨ Lean into what make you unique
✨ Grow your community
Main Transit Overview
1/2 - mars opposite pluto
1/2 - venus enters pisces
1/6 - mars retrogrades into cancer
1/8 - mercury enters capricorn
1/12 - mars trine neptune
1/13 - full moon in cancer
1/19 - sun enters aquarius
1/21 - sun conjunct pluto
1/27 - mercury enters aquarius
1/28 - nodes move into pisces/virgo
1/28 - mercury conjunct pluto
1/29 - new moon in aquarius
Week Ahead Forecasts
The month ahead forecast highlights the important transits but does not talk about them all. If you want EVERY TRANSIT catch them on my week ahead forecasts on one (or all) of these channels:
Text graphics posted every sunday
90 second run through posted every monday
If you want more details on the week ahead. 10ish minutes each.
You can find the podcast on Spotify, too.
The usual notes:
Business Owners: This astrology forecast is geared towards small business owners and creators. It speaks to the energy of the collective. It may impact your personal chart differently, however, a majority of folks will be experiencing this energy so it helps to know since we are doing business with the collective. To book a personal forecast/horoscope reading, click here.
This is a forecast: meaning it explains the conditions. It does not mean that these things are definitely going to happen. It means there is a higher chance of some of these things happening. There is more access to this energy, but it doesn’t mean everyone will access it.
The Video Version
The Podcast Version
Alright, let's dive into it.
Mars opposite Pluto
January 2nd
Starting the year off with a bang! This transit can feel rather intense and have us feeling like our survival skills are are threat. Mars rules our actions, motivations and the way we assert ourselves while pluto rules our subconscious, transformation, intensity, and going deep.
Together in opposition brings a need for balance between our inner desires and those that come from external forces, especially those that might be hidden in our subconscious. Why aren’t we going after what we want? Is there a deep-rooted fear preventing you?
Being intentional with this energy (aka reflecting) could ease the tension that often comes along with this transit.
This is 2nd time we are feeling this transit in recent times due to the Mars retrograde and it won’t be the last. The first took place on November 2rd and the final connection will take place in April, so consider this a longer cycle of these lessons.
You and people around you may be feeling triggered and acting out of a space of fear. Be mindful and try not to take things personal if this is the case.
for business owners + creators → Reflect on if you have an fears that are preventing you from showing up in your business the way you really want to. Is it money fears? Rejection fears? Not good enough fears? Use this slower time of the year to get super intentional about what might be creeping its way into your strategies.
Venus enters Pisces
January 2nd - February 2rd
It’s time to love love! Venus is so happy in Pisces because it’s a sign that’s all about taking care of one another and Venus loves harmony. It’s all about unconditional love
Our relationships, personal finances, and the things we value get a dose of dreaminess, compassion, and mysticism.
You may feel more compelled to help, support, or uplift others. This is also a great time for letting go of resentment, practicing forgiveness, and moving towards some sort of unity.
Watch for fantasizing our relationships, leading to let down when the bubble pops or miscommunications due to unspoken expectations. Same goes for money. Pisces isn’t known for its boundaries so careful not to spend money you don’t have (says the Pisces who literally just spent $25 on cheese).
Venus starts her retrograde in April, so remember what happens during this time in regards to your relationships and finances because we will be coming back to it.
for business owners + creators → THIS is a time for channeled creativity. I love this for creating something new and not on a timeline. FLOW and see what comes out. Maybe it will be something new, ready to launch for spring. Don’t force it, but if you feel the creative urge come through, make room for it. She’s talking to you for good reason!
Mars enters Cancer
January 6th - April 17th
Welcome back, awkward Mars in cancer energy. First of all, Mars retrograding so its energies of motivation, desire, and action are clunky and slow. On top of that, Mars us super uncomfy in Cancer. Cancer wants us to feel, Mars wants us to DO.
Mars was in Cancer from September 4th - November 3rd before it stations retrograde, so think back to that time and question what came up for you in terms of how your emotions, intuition, and sense of protectiveness intertwined with your actions + motivations.
Our energy may feel somewhat trapped, which could come out in aggression (especially passive aggression). A great way to channel this energy is to focus in on what brings you emotional stability. What are the ways you can feel emotionally secure when it’s time to start moving forward again? How can you connect with your emotional drive?
Do you need more alone time to recharge? Do you need a decompression activity at the end of the day? Do you need a therapist? Do you need to exercise out your energy after you see certain people? It’s going to look different for each person. This retrograde, aka, introspective time can help go inward to figure out what that looks like for you. How can you process your emotional energy?
for business owners + creators → This is a time for tending to existing or old projects. It’s not necessarily the time to start brand new ones. By all means, go for it but at least expect some clunkiness. Be flexible and something really cool might happen that you didn’t expected.
Also make sure you’re incorporating self care into your work habits. This is your year to find balance if you haven’t already.
Mercury enters Capricorn
January 8th - January 27th
We may be thinking and talking about our long terms goals a lot. December has us reflecting and this energy has us thinking more and more about what’s next. Again, mars is still retrograde, so it’s okay if you’re not ready to move forward with action.
This is also a great energy for getting serious about your mental health. You could make some serious strides towards understanding your mind if you want to focus your energy on it. Not to say if you miss this energy that it’s not a good time - it’s always a good time. But this astrology brings a sense of structure to the room, which may help you sort through the mental clutter.
BUT! Be mindful of thinking with TOO much rigidity and structure. Human beings are complex and our thoughts and mental patterns can’t all easily fit into simply categories.
Capricorn can also be somewhat of a harsh critique, so this is ideally done with a therapist or someone you can trust to pull you out of a negativity spiral.
for business owners + creators → This is a FAB energy for problem solving and getting harder tasks done. If you have monotonous tasks that you need to get done, this could be helpful energy to do it. Again, being mindful of the mars retrograde, do NOT do too much as landing in burn out is easy. But if it’s a more simple but annoyingly time consuming task, then yes. Try it out now.
Mars trine Neptune
January 12th
Our actions, desires and motivations speak in harmony with our ideals, imagination, and spirituality. They are both in water signs, which brings our emotions and intuition into the mix. It’s taking compassionate action.
This could be a dreamy, confusing and emotional day, but it can just as easily be focused into a day of therapeutic creation or expression. Dancing/physical outlets could lead to deeper spiritual connections.
Mars can bring up conflict, but Neptune brings compassion, suggesting resolution.
Side note: this is a great day for making love. and YES I mean making love - romantic sex.
for business owners + creators → This is a big day for tapping into your creative flow. Allowing space to go with the flow on/around this day may bring you new projects you weren’t even thinking of.
Full Moon in Cancer
January 13th
This full moon is about letting go of things related to our home, family, and ancestral roots. If you’re carrying any baggage from your childhood or familial expectations, they may come up during this time.
It’s also ideal for refining our emotional boundaries, which may come through emotions running high, as they tend to do with Full Moons.
It’s supported by a sextile to Uranus, which brings innovation into the process. Unexpected situations may arise that illuminate what needs to be released.
It’s not far from Mars, which adds a level of assertion and wanting to take action. There may be a little confusion as to which direction to take action in, but there’s creativity infused in figuring it out. This is due to the trine mars forms with Neptune, but mars is retrograde.
If you can stay open minded, this energy can be channeled towards testing things out. Otherwise it might lead to aggravation.
Overall, there is mostly supportive energy that can help you come to solutions more organically.
for business owners + creators → Use this energy to release any limiting beliefs pertaining to what you need for emotional stability. The mars retrograde has us working on this already, but this full moon can help let go of things we think we’re not “allowed” to do. For example, making more time for yourself to rejuvenate or wind down at the end of the day. Maybe you only allowed this for yourself if you got a certain amount done in the day but without it, you wake up grumpy.
Sun enters Aquarius
January 19th - February 18th
Happy Birthday Aquarians!
The month of Aquarius energy is all about innovation, being quirky, letting our true individuality shine and bringing that into the collective.
We get a lot of supportive energy while the sun moves through Aquarius, making harmonious connections with Jupiter (opportunity), mercury (our mind) and chiron (healing).
Aquarius also rules group settings (friends, communities, networks, etc). You may feel drawn to be surrounded by like-minded folks. Tap into your communities to feel seen and further understand yourself.
There is also a sense of detachment which can come with Aquarius, which can be used to look at our situations objectively. It’s a air sign, so it likes to use intellect to figure things out. Sometimes taking an objective approach can help. We’ve got a lot of emotions at play this month so this energy might be help to take a step back.
for business owners + creators → As we are stepping into a year full of shifts, this Aquarius season would be an ideal time to understand what makes you unique and how can you let that shine through your business? If you’ve been afraid to step out of the box, now is a supportive energy to do so.
Sun conjunct Pluto
January 21st
A day full of power! This happens once a year but it’s the first time it’s happening in Aquarius is over 200 years!
It’s a day filled with opportunity for deep transformation, especially regarding your identity, willpower and life force. Note that it can come through intensity, but not all intensity is “bad”. Passion is intensity! Right right?
However, on a collective level, it could be a rather intense day. Folks' survival needs may feel threatened, therefore lead to people acting out of fear.
Expect strong urges to question the power dynamics of the status quo. If there was a time to separate yourself from conventional ideals, it’s today. Really dig deep into cultural norms you don’t jive with anymore. There’s a reason it doesn’t resonate with you.
for business owners + creators → Because pluto is getting super charged in Aquarius, this is an energy about collectivism. How can you create more inclusivity and collaboration in your business? You don't have to do this alone.
Mercury enters Aquarius
January 27th
The time for thinking of innovative solutions is now!
Collaborative efforts and communications are the vibe right now. Putting your head together with other folks can work really well.
With mercury in Capricorn, we were creating some structure with our mental health. In Aquarius, it can continue that sense of objectivity when we are approaching our mindsets. I’m someone who tends to take things personally if things don’t work out, this can have you focused on creating solutions instead of wallowing in the pity.
However, this can also make our communications seem a bit detached so don’t read too much into it if someone doesn’t add emojis or exclamations to their text response.
for business owners + creators → this is great energy for brainstorming and problem solving. If you were considering organizing your thoughts or tasks into an app or technology, this astrology can ease that transition.
Nodes enter Pisces/Aries
January 28th
The nodes shift signs every 18 months or so and this time the north node is moving from Aries into Pisces, while the south node is moving from libra into Virgo. Yes! The nodes move backwards through the zodiac signs.
The north node is about connections and growth while the south node is about disconnections and letting go.
The north node is Pisces speaks to growth around spirituality, compassion, creativity, and collectivism. It allows us to see the bigger picture.
The south node in Virgo speaks to letting go of perfectionism, being too analytical, and being too focused on the details.
I like to call this the service axis because both Virgo and Pisces love to serve others. Sometimes our fear of getting it wrong prevents us from showing up in the first place. This astrology can help us let go of that and practice showing up regardless. It’s about helping others, not what it means to us or how it makes us look.
for business owners + creators → These two are both mutable signs so it's about shifting into a more adaptable energy over the next 18 months. Things will be shifting a lot this year, so as a business owner, it's about being ready for and okay with change. Anything that you have been holding back because it's not ready yet? Release it. It's time. This is the year.
Mercury conjunct Pluto
January 28th
This is an energy that brings an intense mental boost. This can be used to focus on something or it can have our mind running so fast it’s hard to control.
These two meet up in the sign of Aquarius, which can have us leaning into unconventional thinking and communication, perhaps pondering on things we don’t think or talk about much.
It’s also an energy that can help us uncover things hidden deep in our subconscious, bringing them to the forefront of our mind. There’s power to understand your mental patterns and how those come across in the way you communicate with others.
for business owners + creators → We have a lot of power with our words. Use this energy to make powerful and compelling content, either written, video, or other content. All fall under Mercury.
New Moon in Aquarius
January 29th
We experience new beginnings in our communities, humanity, and our hopes for the future. We are excited to embrace our individuality.
This new moon forms a trine with Jupiter, which brings a huge sense of optimism into these new beginnings. Things started now have the chance to be prosperous.
It also adds an energy of intellectual exploration, being open to unconventional ideas.
There’s a lot to gain from socializing in friend groups and communities.
for business owners + creators → Join a meet up or online event where you can learn from and connect with other like-minded business owners. You may learn a lot from others talking about their experience, sparking a new idea you had never thought of before.
Supportive Days
Days that bring lovely transits. They may not alway bring what’s best for your growth, but they could bring welcomed ease.
January 4th
sun sextile saturn
During an intense week, this gives us a boost of energy towards getting organized towards our goals.
January 12th
mars trine neptune
Taking action based from our intuition.
January 13th
sun trine uranus
Welcomed unexpected events or situations could bring innovation solutions.
January 17th
sun sextile neptune
Collectivism and taking care of each other shines bright today.
January 18th
mercury sextile saturn
A boost of mental energy and focus towards our responsibilities. Great day to get things done that need more mental power.
venus conjunct neptune
This energy might bring some confusion or anxiety into our relationships, finances and value system, but it can also be a day of channeling our spirit guides and intuition into our creative projects.
January 23rd
mars sextile uranus
Reassessing our actions with a new perspective can help us connect to a deeper motivation.
mercury trine uranus
This is the day to have whacky, out there conversations that you didn't expect to have. They can lead to new ways of thinking.
January 25th
venus trine mars
We are a bit more attractive and radiant today. Our values are in line with our actions.
January 26th
mercury sextile neptune
Thinking and speaking creatively and compassionately.
venus sextile uranus
Our relationships, finances and value systems get a dose of innovation by thinking outside of the box.
January 30th sun trine jupiter
All of Jupiter's qualities (optimism, fortune, opportunities) are super charged by the sun. A potentially very lucky day of the year!
Spicy days
Days that could bring a little tension. They might be more challenging but it brings about a need for change or balance.
January 6th
mercury square neptune
Easy for our minds to get super whirlwindy. It's okay to take more breaks than usual today.
January 15th
sun opposite mars
This day brings tension between who we are and what we want. Our assertive nature may take over. Be kind to others and allow for mistakes.
January 21st
mercury square chiron
This is a day that triggers our deeper wounds, perhaps through conversation or our own thought patterns.
Dynamic Days
Days that bring both support and tension.
January 14th -
venus square jupiter
This is generally a pleasant aspect, but if you need to get anything serious done, it's not great energy for that. It's also easy to overindulge on this day.
January 21st
sun conjunct pluto
Intense day. People may be activated in defensive ways.
January 28th
mercury conjunct pluto
Another intense day but more focused towards our thought patterns and the way we speak to one another. All or nothing thoughts.
Work with Me
Organize. Align. Expand
Dive into how these transits impact you personally with a forecast reading. Pair that with aligned accountability and operations support for your small business and you'll be flowing in no time. Now is a great time to get a year ahead reading!
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