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Writer's pictureSarah Bance

November Astrology Forecast

Updated: Oct 31, 2024

Monthly horoscope for business owners and creators.

Jupiter sextiles Chiron, Saturn stations direct, we get a ton of Sagittarius energy and Pluto moves into Aquarius FOR GOOD!

The astrology of November is bound to bring some big changes, all geared towards healing and growth with a dash of fun and adventure.

November brings a couple of outer planet transits, which means it’s an impactful month (has any year in 2024 NOT been impactful?)

The lunations of this month are bound to bring some supportive change as well. We do have a Mars opposite to Pluto transit, which can have us feeling triggered af. But whatever comes up is necessary in order to move on.

It’s a great month to:

  • Look into and let go of unnecessary pressures that come from external forces.

  • Go on a trip or start planning a trip.

  • Look into your finances and financial mindsets.

  • Have healing conversations with others and yourself.

  • Expand your mental horizons.

Main Transit Overview

  • November 1st - New Moon in Scorpio

  • November 2nd - Mercury enters Sagittarius

  • November 2nd - Jupiter sextile Chiron

  • November 3rd - Mars enters Leo

  • November 3rd - Mars opposite Pluto

  • November 11th - Venus enters Capricorn

  • November 15th - Full Moon in Taurus

  • November 15th - Saturn stations direct

  • November 19th - Pluto re-enters Aquarius

  • November 21st - Sun enters Sagittarius

  • November 25th - Mercury stations retrograde

  • November 30th - New Moon in Sagittarius

Week Ahead Forecasts

The month ahead forecast highlights the important transits but does not talk about them all. If you want EVERY TRANSIT catch them on my week ahead forecasts on one (or all) of these channels:

The usual notes:

  • Business Owners: This astrology forecast is geared towards small business owners and creators. It speaks to the energy of the collective. It may impact your personal chart differently, however, a majority of folks will be experiencing this energy so it helps to know since we are doing business with the collective. To book a personal forecast/horoscope reading, click here.

  • This is a forecast: meaning it explains the conditions. It does not mean that these things are definitely going to happen. It means there is a higher chance of some of these things happening. There is more access to this energy, but it doesn’t mean everyone will access it.

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Alright, let's dive into it.


New Moon in Scorpio

November 1st

We start the month out strong with a powerful new moon in Scorpio. There’s lot of intensity with this moon, yet a lot of supportive energy, too.

Scorpio in itself is gives intense energy, which isn’t always a negative thing. Passion is intense. Scorpio is traditionally ruled by Mars and in Modern astrology, Pluto. And 2 days after this new moon, we get a Mars opposite to Pluto connection.

This is a conversation of tension, asking us to find balance between our emotional instincts and societal and systemic forces. These two planets are also associated with violence, which isn’t great news. It has people acting defensively and as if their survival needs are at threat.

Both planets are in the 29th degree, which is a point of culmination. It brings together all the lessons we’ve learned of that planet transiting the sign and gives us one final test. Note: Mars is in retrograde, so it will hit this point again. However, this is last time anyone living today will ever experience mars in cancer opposite pluto in capricorn - that pull between personal emotions and the systems that structure us.

To support us through this triggering transit, we have a lovely water trine with Neptune in Pisces, Mercury in Scorpio and Mars in Cancer. It’s not exact but it’s close, which helps soften the blow of the opposition.

This brings a layer of emotional, intuitive and spiritual growth into the situation.

Pluto also forms loose sextiles with Neptune and Mercury, pulling it into the trine as well (also known as a kite formation). Adding another layer of softening and support.

All together, it has potential to bring up a moment of what might feel like a crisis, but the support to get through it and achieve some sort of sustainable growth.

For business owners →    Reflect on patterns + approaches that you are ready to let go of once and for all. How can you show up more authentically in your business? How can you start building a deeper connection with what you do?

Mercury enters Sagittarius

November 2nd - January 2nd

Who doesn’t love Sagittarius? It’s adventurous, loves to learn, itching for freedom and ready to try new things.

Mercury in Sagittarius brings optimism and boldness into our thinking patterns and communication. Conversations get a dose of excitement.

It’s all about expanding your mental horizons.

Sagittarius is also related to philosophy, so conversations gear towards finding a deeper understanding or meaning. Maybe even spiritual.

Be mindful of yourself or others being a bit TOO bold with our communication, moving towards over exaggerating or being tactless.

Now, we get our last Mercury retrograde of the year here in Sagittarius, which is why it’s here for so long. The retrograde will have us turning inward to investigate what might be blocking us from expanding our perspectives.

For business owners →  Have SO much fun with your marketing. Try new things, be bold. Explore new avenues. Mercury rules marketing and it’s here to play. It’s also a great time for educational content. Launch a social media series that teaches your audience something about your industry.

Jupiter sextile Chiron

November 2nd

Outer planet alert! Jupiter sextile chiron is a gorgeous, supportive transit that brings optimism and growth into our healing.

Where we might have felt stuck before, we get some perspective that can help us move on.

We are going to be feeling this transit for a week or 2 leading up to the 2nd and a week or 2 afterwards, so it flavors a good half of October + November. Healing like this takes time. It’s very in line with the astrology of the new moon happening the day before.

For business owners →   Use this energy to heal from any uncovered truths that may have surfaced this year. Maybe you’re not where you thought you would be. Rip the bandaid off, grieve, and move forward. Look at where you are right now, appreciate that space, and then consider where you can go from here.

Mars opposite Pluto

November 3rd

As mentioned above, this transit is one that can have us or those around us feeling triggered.

Mars is sitting uncomfortable in the sign of Cancer, where we get feels of acting out of emotion and protection. On the opposite end, we have Pluto finishing it’s move through Capricorn, which

has had us redefining the systems that structure society (government, infrastructure, isms, societal morals, etc).

Pluto also rules our survival skills and mars in cancer relates for our emotional instincts. If triggered, it could send some folks into a state of stress and acting out. It could also trigger some power struggles that have heavier emotional weight.

However! It gives the opportunity to dismantle the power these societal system have over us, both individually and collectively.

Whatever happens with the election will most likely give us the opportunity to address these things and move forward.

For business owners →  Continue that growth of moving away from doing things how you think you SHOULD be doing them and tap into how you WANT to be doing things. How can you bring your intuition into your business and make it your magic sauce?

Mars enters Leo

November 3rd - January 6th

Our desires, action, and motivation gets flavored with creativity, confidence, and self expression. It’s a highly energized, passionate force that wants to seek recognition and take charge.

We’re talking fearless self expression and feeling empowered in what make you you. With Mars in Cancer, we may have been acting out of emotion. With Mars in Leo, we are acting out of confidence in our decisions.

It does add a some competitiveness into the mix and potentially ego-driven motives (maybe not great for election responses). Leo definitely taps into leadershop role and with Mars forming an opposition to Pluto just before it enters leo, it’s carrying some power struggles with it.

Mars stations retrograde on December 6th and makes it way back into Cancer, so it’s current in it’s retro-shade phase, meaning it will retrace this path during it’s retrograde and again when it’s moving forward. So this energy will come back in spring of 2025.

Venus enters Capricorn

November 11th - December 5th

Our values, finances, and relationships shift towards practicality, ambition, status, and tradition.

The relationships we’re forming (romantic, friendship, self and even with things/concepts) tend to get more serious. If they aren’t aligned with your long term goals, you may not be interested in giving your time to it right now. We’re interested in things worth committing to.

It might be a less affectionate Venus placement, but I guess that depends on your definition. Commitment can be sexy to some and scary af to others. Regardless, it’s a transit grounded in reality.

For business owners →  This a GREAT energy for getting serious about your finances! Start getting prepared for taxes, connect with an advisors, look into your numbers. It’s all about building strong, secure foundations.

Full Moon in Taurus

November 15th

A full moon in Taurus gives us the opportunity to release what no longer serves us in regards to money, stability, and material comfort.

Uranus in Taurus is closely tied in as it’s only 1 degree away from the moon, also forming an opposite with the sun. This brings an energy of sudden change, progressiveness and rebellion. Uranus in Taurus has been teaching us to break free from certain money mindsets.

That plus a full moon, which is about letting go, will give us the opportunity to continue to work on that. And to do so through finding new and better relationships to money and goods.

Uranus does rule the nervous system, so maybe practice extra calming activities today to stay grounded and chill.

For business owners →  Let go of what doesn’t make you feel comfortable anymore, especially if you are just doing it for the money. I understand a need for money, but this lunation asks us to investigate that need. Is it truly a need? Or could you have a little less for a moment while you figure out something better? Maybe you do truly need it and that’s totally okay, too. It’s about getting intentional and curious.

Saturn stations Direct

November 15th

Ah, we get some forward movement regarding our responsibilities, sense of discipline, and long-term goals.

Saturn retrogrades for about 4-5 months every year, so this isn’t that big of deal but it’s nice to know when it’s moving forward. When it’s direct, we are more focused on our responsibilities to the self. When it’s direct, we can take that energy and put it outwards. We become more hardworking towards external things.

We may start to feel a bit less inner turmoil in regards to not being enough.

For business owners →  Use this energy to create new things for your business. It’s direct until June 2025, which puts us through spring and summer. Plenty of time to create.

Pluto re-enters Aquarius

November 19th - 2044

This is a big deal!

Pluto entered Aquarius at the top of the year, where we got about 5 months of a taster of what this energy feels like. Think of what your January - Mid June looked like.

Pluto takes about 20 years to move through a sign, taking 250 years to do a full cycle. The last time Pluto was in Aquarius, we had the American, French and Haitian revolutions (Haiti was the first black republic BTW and was a big deal for black history (I’m Haitian and so proud to be).

Do I think we will have a huge revolution? Short answer, I think we are already in the middle of one. While these revolutions mentioned above were violent as hell, I do think we can have a revolution without that level of violence thanks to the internet and our interconnectedness. This is not to dismiss the levels of violence we are seeing in Palestine (but this is coming from the oppressors). If violence does happen, I would understand it. However, with the awareness that Pluto in Capricorn has brought to the systems at play leads me to think that this revolution might look different.

Aquarius is focused on how we can bring our true individuality into the collective. It’s about coming together as humans in a progressive way. Pluto will have us investigating our relationship with technology, potentially using it as a way to advance collectively instead of to gain power, which is more capricornian.

There’s so much content all throughout the internet you could get into if you want more info on this. Pluto will here until 2044, so we got some time.

For business owners →  listen, honey, this is a long ass transit. I will say, pluto moving into a new sign brings big changes that take time. They way we do business is already changing. People don’t want your cold emails anymore (harsh truth I’ve finally accepted). So it’s time to figure out what’s next and I HIGHLY suggest tapping into what feels right for YOU. It’s no longer a time of following tips and hacks. Find what aligns with you, even if it’s quirky. It’s what makes your business unique.

Sun enters Sagittarius

November 21st - December 21st

Fun! Adventure! Exploration!

This is a time where you may not want to be tied down, so build a little flexibility and flow into your schedule.

Things related to optimism, philosophy, spirituality, travel and learning get a boost of energy.

For business owners →  Bring more fun into your day to day and see what happens. Let go of your routine a little bit. Try working out of some place new. Go on a little trip that could be “business related” to get inspiration for the next chapter. Take a course, learn something new that gives you a deeper understanding of something in your field.

Sagittarius also rules publishing, comedy, tourism, and the legal system so if those are your industries, it’s your time to shine.

Mercury stations Retrograde

November 25th - December 15th

This is mentioned above but quick reminder:

  • Will be in Sagittarius for the full duration of it’s retrograde.

  • Will have us looking introspectively at what might be blocking our perspectives from expanding.

  • Optimistic mindsets.

It will form the following aspects a total of three times. One while it's direct, another during retrograde, and once more on it's way forward. So these will become a little cycle/theme now through the new year.

  • an opposite to Jupiter (expansive thinking but potentially overly optimistic)

  • a square to saturn (could bring downer thoughts and not good enough mindsets)

  • and a sextile to venus (harmonious, beautiful thinking and conversations)

For business owners →  while you may get the urge to try new things, think twice or be super mindful during the retrograde (as they always say). Use this exciting energy to play in non-consequential ways. As in, things that won’t absolutely screw you if it didn’t go to plan.

New Moon in Sagittarius

November 30th

New beginnings regarding adventure, exploration and deeper understandings!

The time to grow is now. If you wanted to deeper you spirituality, this a great energy to set intentions around that. And/or! Start planning that trip you’ve been wanting to go on that you know will change your life.

Mercury trine to Chiron is also part of this new moon chart, which is a supportive transit that brings healing and compassion into our mind and conversations. There could be a breakthrough conversation between you and someone else where you finally both see where the other person is coming from.

Venus also forms a trine to Uranus, bringing some grounded earth energy into this new moon as well. It could bring a fun, welcomed, beautiful surprise into our relationships or finances.

For business owners →   Set goals around expanding your knowledge. Take some courses or workshops. Or heck, release some courses or workshops. This is a time all about learning!


Supportive Days

Days that bring lovely transits. They may not alway bring what’s best for your growth, but they could bring welcomed ease.

November 2nd

mercury trine mars

communication is sharp. boost in mental abilities and energy.

mercury sextile pluto

depth and insight come through conversations, helping uncover important information.

jupiter sextile chiron

opportunity for long term healing and growth.

November 3rd

sun trine saturn

Confidence aligns with responsibility. Forward movement towards long-term goals and steps towards who you truly want to be.

November 18th

sun trine neptune

imagination, inspiration + creation is heightened.

mercury opposite jupiter

optimistic mindsets. watch out for overpromising.

November 19th

mercury trine chiron

healing and compassionate conversation and thinking patterns.

November 21st

sun sextile pluto

personal power meets purpose. supportive growth towards who we are and in our identity.

November 22nd

venus sextile saturn

commitments in love, finances and self worth feel stable and supported with your responsibilities and long term goals.

Spicy days

Days that could bring a little tension. They might be more challenging but it brings about a need for change or balance.

November 9th

venus square neptune

confusion in our relationships, finances, and self worth. Lack of boundaries in these things.

November 12th

mercury square saturn

restrictive thinking and communication. limited mindsets. depression tendencies.

November 16th

sun opposite uranus

potential frustrating surprises that could bring breakthroughs.

Dynamic Days

Days that bring both support and tension.

November 3rd

venus opposite jupiter

fun, social. big desires for pleasure. watch out for overindulgence.

venus trine chiron

healing in our relationships and self worth.

mars opposite pluto

triggering af, feeling defensive + like our survival needs are at threat. Push/pull between our emotional instincts and external pressures.

November 27th

sun trine mars

boost of physical energy + courage.

venus square chiron

feeling sensitive. hurtful situations re: relationships, finances + self worth could open up old wounds but give way to heal them, too.


Work with Me

Organize. Align. Expand

Dive into how these transits impact you personally with a forecast reading. Pair that with aligned accountability and operations support for your small business and you'll be flowing in no time.

All astrology services are 15% off when purchased with a small business support service.

SEO mumbo jumbo: business astrology tips, zodiac business advice, astrology business growth, astrology marketing, astrological insights for entrepreneurs

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